From the Beginning
As a psychotherapist, over the years I have continually researched and experienced techniques that would help resolve or solve issues. I found various techniques and theories that lead to unlocking or releasing causes of trauma.
The techniques developed are gentle yet produce great results. The results have been breathtaking!
The work focused on changing beliefs. The recipe is simple, it boils down to what and when:
The What is, a deeply held survival instinct in the depths of your mind, your subconscious.
The When is, a historical moment when this instinct entered your biology.
This new technique is amazingly effective at healing emotional and physical issues.
You may have already tried healing your emotional blocks. What I can say is, we go deeper, much deeper. My techniques work-often instantly-because we truly get to the deepest layer of “STUFF”. To use a simple but powerful visual metaphor—most techniques peel away layers of the onion, we jump straight in and go to the core!