Healing Mind, Body and Spirit
Dr. Susan Smith, Phd., LCSW
Hi, my name is Dr. Susan Smith.
I am a Change Expert.
I am also a psychotherapist, healer, teacher, life coach, minister and spiritual guide.
Through 30 years of private practice and thousands of hours of workshops and seminars, I have developed a New protocol to easily help my clients to live a life they love. Combining Quantum Physics, Metaphysics and Epigentics I have created a quick and precise way to remove limiting beliefs, deeply embedded traumas, old painful memories, and sabotaging behaviors that are woven into their “old story” and stored in their cells. I call this Cellular Memory Transformation.
I quickly and accurately pinpoint your roadblocks and lift them—allowing you to move easily and confidently towards your goals.
Energy Psychotherapist
Many years ago I was feeling run down and at the end of my rope. I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue and traditional medicine offered little hope. I had to explore alternative healing practices to heal my life. This opened for me the connection between Mind, Body and Spirit and the pathways to heal them all.
I trained and became certified in a number of Energy Psychology therapies including ThetaHealing, EMDR, Reference Point Therapy, EFT, Interactive Guided Imagery, Clinical Hypnosis and Spiritual Kinesiology. I have taught ThetaHealing and RPT classes.
Energy Psychology is directed at the bodies’ own energy system and treats psychological problems at the quantum level.
I built my new work on the foundation of early training in the principals of Developmental Theory, Pre and Perinatal Psycoholgy, Object Relation Theory, Transactional Analysis, , and Body Soul Rhythms (the work of Marion Woodman).
I have led intensive in-depth psychological treatment groups and Body Soul Rhythm workshops, as well as Women's retreats and Wisdom and Empowerment circles. including the development and facilitation of the Gather the Women community celebrations in Fremont, Ca. I am a certified SoulCollage® facilitator and lead Grandmother Councils and Drumming circles.
Shamanic Healer and Dream Worker
I am deeply interested in the wisdom from indigenous cultures and have studied with many Native American healers and Shamans. I am a graduate of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies and Michael Harner’s 3-year Shamanic Healing program. I was also a student for several years with Angeles Arrien and her Four-Fold Way. My great grandmother was Native American and she has continued to teach me on the Spirit level.
I work with dreams using many paths including Jungian, Body Soul Work, and Active Dreaming pioneered by Robert Moss.
Cellular Memory Transformation(CMT)—It’s about Patterns!
We all have patterns that get in the way of us being who we want to be, of achieving what we want, or of sabotaging our goals. Some core beliefs and patterns are passed down from our Ancestors. Others are soul and past life issues. Most originate at birth and before.
This healing process I now use with my clients can clear the deep core patterns and will change the way you think and feel about any challenges---forever!
It is from this place that the Journey Home to Yourself begins.